Welcome BACK to my page! This week, I am doing some Personality Tests. I feel like I know myself well enough to where my results won't surprise me, but who knows ya know? Like I could secretly be some psychopath and I WOULDN'T EVEN KNOW!!! Isn't that scary? Welp, let's get the show on the road!
1. The first test I took is just going to ask me multiple questions to get a feel of my personality. The test grades me under five categories: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Negative Emotionality, and Open-Minded. For each category, I got a score between 0-100. These are my scores:

- Extraversion: 73
- Agreeableness: 69
- Conscientiousness: 88
- Negative Emotionality: 50
- Open-Minded: 77
2. Similar to the first test, the Jung Typology Test asked questions to give me my personality type. I am sure y'all have taken this test too. Tell me your personality type in the comment section! The test said my personality type was ENFJ.
- Extravert: 6%
- Intuitive: 38%
- Feeling: 66%
- Judging: 44%
I approve of the results because it matches my personality better than the first personality test I took. It stated a lot of different questions where I had to answer with how much I agreed with it, so I believe the results are correct because it is based on a scale of answers. One of the things the test said was that people with this type would neglect themselves and their own needs for the needs of others. I do that quite often, but with the way they described it made it seem like self-sabotage. I guess that is something I should stop doing so often.
3. I took an Implicit Association Test to see if I was low-key racist. I quite frankly don't think I am, but my test results got me thinking. The test required a lot of quick judgments, so I am not sure on the accuracy especially with the scores I received. The end result said "Your data suggest a moderate automatic preference for European American compared to African American." It said that 13% of the test takers have that result. The fact that it isn't very specific or giving me a lot of information also makes me suspect the accurately. However, I could just be in denial not able to accept the truth.
4. The next test I took was about what I considered attractive. I personally just wanted to see my taste in men because I feel like I am very open-minded. The test set my scores beside the scores of their previous test results to the following categories:
- Counter-Culture
- Seductiveness
- Cheerfulness
- Intelligence
- Trendy
My scores were relatively in the same range when compared to the other testers' results. All of my scores were in the middle, so I can't say much towards that. I also can not say the test measured what it was suppose to efficiently. All of the pictures were in different settings, so one guy who actually wasn't good looking could have been looking like a snack with the right angles and lighting. If all of the mens' pictures were in the same portrait style and background, I believe my results would have been different resulting in different scores.
5. The last test I took was a Culture Fair IQ Test. The mission of the test is to basically measure my intellectual ability by telling me to fill in the missing pattern. It said "Your performance on this test was satisfactory - not the best but not the worst either.", and that was all. What kind of test result is that? I understand it is not an official test; however, I expected more results based on my score. As for my results, I don't mind my scoring because I know I am no genius nor am I unintelligent. However, I am still disappointed with the test.
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